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Test Your Knowledge with a Sample Test |
61 - Business Etiquette |
03 - Business Presentation Skills |
09 - Trade Finance |
06 - Corporate Banking |
103 - Mutual Funds |
01 - Branch Banking - 1 |
02 - Branch Banking - 2 |
CBK1 - Corporate Banking Kenya |
BBK1 - Basics of Banking - Kenya |
BBK2 - Banking operations- Kenya |
911 - Branch Bkg Retail Tanzania |
912 - Branch Bkg Operations Tanzania |
05 - Retail Loans & Services |
51 - Effective Business Writing |
101 - Investment in Shares |
CBK2 - Credit Analysis Kenya |
BBR - Basics of Banking Rwanda |
BOR - Banking Operations Rwanda |
CB01 - Corporate Banking -1 Tanzania |
CB02 - Credit AnalysisTanzania |
EORMU - Elements of Operational Risk |
MOR - Management of Operational Risk |
EORTZ - Elements ofOperational Risk Tz |
MORTZ - Mgmt of Operational Risk TZ |
MFR - Managing Foreign Exchange Risk |
KECSI - KenyaCredit SkillsIntermediate |
KECSA - Kenya Credit SkillsAdvanced 01 |
CSB01 - Kenya Credit Skills Basics 01 |
BBE - Business Etiquette Eafrica |
CSB02 - Kenya Credit Skills Basics 02 |
CSI02 - KenyaCreditSkillsIntermedieat2 |
BBEMU - Business Etiquette Mauritius |
CSA02 - Kenya Credit SkillsAdvanced 02 |
AMLKY - AML & KYC Mauritius |
CSB01 - TZ Credit Skills Basics 01 |
CSI01 - TZ Credit SkillIntermediate 01 |
CSB02 - TZ Credit Skills Basics 02 |
CSI02 - TZ Credit SkillIntermediate 02 |
CSA01 - Tanzania Credit Advanced01 |
CSA02 - Tanzania Credit Advanced02 |
TZ111 - Operational Risk Tanzania |